Extending Dynamic Virtual Accounts Portals for Easy Expense Management

With our virtual account portal, you can empower your customers to manage their banking, accounting, payments, and reconciliation in a simplified manner, at ONE place.

Advanced Virtual Accounts Portals to Ace Business Transactions Like a Pro!

The struggle with never-ending reconciliations is real. Why not fix it for your customers once and for all? Our smart virtual accounts are built to help you allow your customers to reconcile with the click of a button, with absolutely zero effort!

Virtual Accounts

How It Works?

Intrigued to know how to go about? Here’s how your customers can experience streamlined reconciliation at the blink of an eye.

Payouts to Wallets Faster Time to Market
Account Creation

Let your customers sign up easily and create their account in just seconds.

Payouts to Wallets Newer Revenue Streams
KYC & Transaction

Next, they will complete their KYC and immediately get started with their transactions.

Payouts to Wallets Customer Engagement
Payments Collection

They can collect their payments from all sources using this ONE virtual account.

Payouts to Wallets Competitive Pricing
Auto Reconciliation

They can reconcile automatically and enjoy the advantage of faster settlements, without any manual error.

Standing Out with The Most-Powerful White-Label Virtual Accounts Portal in the Industry

Looking forward to launching your own virtual accounts portal? Here are the reasons you should count us.

Faster Go-To-Market Time
Faster Go-To-Market Time

We ensure both technical and legal preparedness to market within the least possible time.

Competitive Pricing
Competitive Pricing

We offer the best virtual accounts portals at the lowest possible cost.

Industry Compliance
Industry Compliance

We abide by the highest standards of security of the transactional banking industry.

Enhanced Brand Visibility
Enhanced Brand Visibility

Our white-labeled transactional banking platforms let you launch your own branded, customized virtual accounts portals that help improve brand visibility.

Improved Customer Loyalty
Improved Customer Loyalty

Our virtual accounts portals are highly secure and reliable and thus help build and improve customer trust and loyalty.

Lower Turnaround Time
Lower Turnaround Time

We won’t compel you to postpone your launch date. Plan your launch date; rest assured you will get your product delivered before that.

Quick and Reliable Helpdesk
Quick and Reliable Helpdesk

Our dedicated support team is always listening to your queries actively and is on the mark to resolve your issues within the quickest time possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

As its name suggests, a virtual account is a non-physical bank account, created online. Using our white label portal, your customers can set up their virtual accounts within minutes and reconcile payments seamlessly.
At poltergeistpay, we offer our channel partners advanced white label virtual accounts portals. After availing virtual accounts portals from us, you can launch the same with your own branding and market it to your target audience. We take responsibility for the complete integration of our portal in your system and the entire set-up process does not take more than a few days. We have an actively serving helpdesk and are continually dedicated towards attending your queries and issues on priority.
No, we will deliver you white label virtual accounts portal, which you can launch with your own brand name and logo. We will only be responsible for the development part and you can launch and market the product completely with your own branding.
The turnaround time will depend on your portal requirements. However, we ensure our channel partners lowest possible turnaround time and quickest time-to-market in the industry.
The pricing of our virtual accounts portal will depend on your portal requirements. However, we guarantee the most competitive pricing in the industry. Please contact our business team with your enquiries.
Our dedicated support team is always active to attend your issues and queries on priority. You can ensure your customers seamlessly use the virtual accounts portal; rest assured you will always be backed by our robust technical team for any potential glitch at any time.

Our Expert available to Grow your Business
